When purchasing all forms of electrical goods, we are all faced with a pretty common choice, “Why buy a branded item” You could be looking at a TV, Iron, Toaster or in our case a brand-new Air Conditioner.
This “Choice” will normally start nowadays with you first doing a search for “
Best Air-conditioning Gold Coast” on good old google. Sounds simple but from the start but you can end up being more confused than when you started. Next step could be a quick drive to the local shopping centre and a quick chat with Harry or Harriet salesperson. Once inside the glitzy new store, you will most likely see a row of sparkling white Air Conditioning units lined up on a wall, the salesperson will start to explain the benefits of A, B or C brand and usually, the one with the best commission is the one that has the most benefits.
The conversation will move to “What’s your Budget” and depending on how deep your pockets are or what’s left on your Mr. Visa or Mastercard you could be pointed in the direction of a Unit that has a brand name you have never heard of but hey according to the salesperson, “They are all made at the same factory anyway”.
Well, sorry to disappoint your faith in humanity but sometimes people speak with a forked tongue or their fingers crossed behind their back.
Yes, on the surface Air Conditioning Units are usually all white, square in shape and have one role and that is to keep a room cool and you comfortable, so they should all be similar right? Those Branded ones you’re just paying for the name!
So, you decide to take a punt, hand over your hard-earned cash or bend the plastic and you’re now the excited owner of a brand-new Air Conditioner made by someone in a land that ends with Stan or Ing.
Noise, yes you may think you have moved next door to an airport, but you are assured by the
people “You will get used to it” that’s ok at least your Gold Coast home is cool right?
A week goes by and sadly your unit decides not to co-operate when you switch it on, no problem you have a warranty yes? Well, that’s OK as well until the sale People inform you that your brand has no support centre in Australia, parts must be ordered might take a little while to get things back to normal.
We could keep painting a picture that gets worse by the minute but let’s cut to the chase and offer some advice. When it comes to buying a
new air conditioner
for your home on the Gold Coast, its best to look at a known brand, that has local support.
And when it comes to seeking advice? It's best to contact experts in the field and on the Gold Coast, Robertson’s Air Conditioning are the experts for Air Conditioning Needs.
We only
install the best brands, we have no units where you need a map to find the factory.