When Air Conditioning System Knocks Off...

  • By Marketing Specialist
  • 07 Jul, 2017

What if suddenly, without warning, that sensational cooling comfort instantly stopped?

Air conditioning units from unsplash.com
Credits: Image from Unsplash.com

Can you remember the bad old days, those days when it was so hot you could fry an egg on the concrete, those days when the house was more like an oven than a home, those days when a house on the Gold Coast was room to room fans? Well maybe it’s too far back for you to remember and right now you’re sitting in air-conditioned comfort so all is right with the world, but what if suddenly, without warning, that sensational cooling comfort instantly stopped and the air conditioning system knocks off?

Very quickly, your happy home would start to warm up and you would know what it was like to be back in the bad old days and it’s not a comfortable place to be.

But that’s okay, you might be saying your air con is only a few years old and works like a charm day in day out, but let me ask you this, when was the last time you had it serviced? Air conditioning, like many things in life, once it is installed we take it for granted that it’s a set and forget and it’s a giant shock when suddenly, it stops.

Air conditioning maintenance is a major part of our business on the Gold Coast and we highly recommend a regular service routine to our clients when Installing your new air conditioning units.

Checks will ultimately help extend the system's life and operate more efficiently, saving energy. We can inspect the thermostat, motor, wiring, coolant levels and other efficiency checks as needed. Making sure you have the year-round comfort as we do not want you  to experience those bad old days and start searching for a wall fan.

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Robertson Air Conditioning provides the best commercial HVAC installation and service in the Gold Coast area. New Installation. Residential & Commercial. Repair & Maintenance. Give us a call today!
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